I sewed something new! And we went out and had historical dress-up fun!
The Kid has really grown and absolutely none of the old historic outfits still fit. :(
Plus we are now in a phase where dresses and frills are not so popular. That's tough for me, as a frilly-dress lover, but I can compromise if it means my kid will still attend events with me!
I had a gorgeous piece of dark warm-grey wool with a very subtle red plaid stripe, and I decided to go for a look inspired by late 1890s bicycle wear, like these ones (more on my pinterest board):
Now it's true most of them include a jacket of some kind, and I really just wanted to make a vest and blouse. (And I even ran out of time before our event and just pulled an old blouse out of my closet. Oops!)We had a good time playing with friends!
It's definitely not perfectly historical, but it's historically-inspired and a lot of fun! Hoping to get some re-wear opportunities out of it for anything Victorian or steampunk we do in the next year.